Friday, November 2, 2007


IT'S been a busy week but I'm delighted to announce that the script for Tim Skinner: Total Scumbag is now just about finished. There are a couple of minor bits that still need fiddling about with but it's 99 per cent there. I'm really pleased with it too as it contains some of the maddest shit I've ever written. I'm going to send it over to Dec sometime next week and just hope he doesn't pass a brick when he sees some of the stuff I'm asking him to draw...

* THE family and I are off up to Warwick this weekend to visit my oldest mate Rob and his girlfriend Tracy. In January, Rob's set to become a dad for the first time - at the ripe old age of 42. The poor sod really has no idea what's about to hit him...


jamie said...

have a great weekend in warwick,there's a really great fish and chip shop in town,but i can't remember the name.
we're off to LA and san fransisco tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Hope you have a great time - give me a shout when you get back.

Anonymous said...

really glad to hear you`re finished with the script!
can`t wait to see the finished product
have a blast in warwick!

Declan Shalvey said...

.............................................................. i'm scared.